by Terri Willingham | Nov 26, 2014 | compassion, Creativity, Life, parenting, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
“…the more I buy the more I’m bought. And the more I’m bought the less I cost.” – Joe Pug – Hymn #101 The holidays are upon us with a vengeance here in the U.S., commercialism steamrolling across our media saturated landscape with...
by Terri Willingham | Nov 12, 2014 | compassion, Creativity, Events, Life, Makers, science, Society, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
The Eureka Factory is a collaborative of creative individuals and business partners who believe in the power of community driven innovation to help people move from passive consumption to empowered and active creation of their future and ours. – Our Welcome Page...
by Terri Willingham | Aug 6, 2014 | activism, civic engagement, Creativity, Life, Makers, social justice, Society, Uncategorized
For us westerners chocolate is just one more thing. It’s inconsequential. We like to eat it, sometimes we get delighted by it for a minute. … We don’t think about it and the incredible effort and resources that are required to make it. We take it for...
by Terri Willingham | Aug 2, 2014 | art, Creativity, education, Life, Makers, Society, TEDx, Theresa Williingham, travel, Uncategorized
Life is short and you need to do what you wanna do, what you have a passion for… The thing is you gotta dream big and that’s all there is, you just gotta dream big… Ritch Branstrom While on a trip to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan recently, we stayed at a...
by Terri Willingham | Jul 24, 2014 | Creativity, education, Life, Makers, Society, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
Tinkering is a minor risk taking activity without any great consequence; it is not goal directed nor are there defined outcomes. There are no key performance indicators for tinkering. Thus, tinkering is suspended from the pressures of defined goals and time limits....
by Terri Willingham | Jul 10, 2014 | civic engagement, Creativity, knowledge, Life, science, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
I want to know that it’s real, that it’s not just something happening inside my own head, because it matters what’s true… Neil DeGrasse Tyson In a recent opinion piece titled, “Rhapsody in Realism,” New York Times columnist David...