by Terri Willingham | Sep 23, 2016 | activism, community, compassion, Creativity, Society, Uncategorized
“We should all be more like Alex. Imagine what the world would look like if we were. Imagine the suffering we could ease and the lives we could save.” President Barack Obama [youtube] There’s a lot going on – in our world...
by Terri Willingham | Jul 3, 2015 | activism, civic engagement, Civil Rights, community, compassion, education, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
We gotta keep on keeping on Because if we don’t do it nobody else is gonna But you know if we can’t do it with a smile on our face You know if we can’t do it with love in our hearts then children we ain’t got no right to do it at all Because it...
by Terri Willingham | May 20, 2015 | activism, civic engagement, Civil Rights, community, compassion, social justice, Society, Speak Out, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
“It’s easy to be cynical, but it’s time to stop. Now is the time to accept the responsibility of citizenship.” Doug Hughes Today, Ruskin postal worker Doug Hughes was indicted on six federal charges, including two felonies and four misdemeanors for an act...
by Terri Willingham | Apr 28, 2015 | activism, civic engagement, Civil Rights, community, compassion, social justice, Society, Speak Out, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
“My family wants to say, can you all please, please stop the violence? Freddie Gray would not want this. Freddie’s father and mother does not want no violence. Violence does not get justice.” — Fredericka Gray, twin sister of Freddie Gray, NPR Almost...
by Terri Willingham | Mar 18, 2015 | activism, business, community, entrepreneurship, Events, science, Society, Uncategorized
The headlines regularly call America out on the issue: Women in STEM: A Gender Gap to Innovation Why it’s Crucial to Get More Women into Science “Girl Day” Addresses Lack of Women in STEM Fields The White House has a page dedicated to Women in STEM...
by Terri Willingham | Aug 10, 2014 | activism, civic engagement, compassion, Society, Uncategorized
“Duas tantum rex anxius optat, panem et circensus.” ( “The people long eagerly for two things – bread and circuses.”) Juvénal If you’re online for more than five minutes a day, or have caught mainstream news anytime over the last...