by Terri Willingham | Feb 21, 2021 | books, community, Creativity, education, Libraries, Makers, Makerspaces
Since 2014, Eureka! Factory has been the premier consulting and design firm for public libraries in Tampa Bay and Central Florida, as well as for other organizations interested in developing creative spaces and programs in their facilities. You can see some our work...
by Terri Willingham | Jul 30, 2018 | civic engagement, community, education, knowledge, Libraries, Makerspaces, paradigm shifts, Society, Steven Willingham, Theresa Williingham
When we first embarked on the library makerspace journey a few years ago, the concept was still relatively new. 3-D printers were all the rage, Maker Faires were the new state fair, and makerspaces in libraries were cutting edge. Six years down the road, 3D...
by Terri Willingham | Sep 23, 2016 | activism, community, compassion, Creativity, Society, Uncategorized
“We should all be more like Alex. Imagine what the world would look like if we were. Imagine the suffering we could ease and the lives we could save.” President Barack Obama [youtube] There’s a lot going on – in our world...
by Terri Willingham | Jan 2, 2016 | books, community, compassion, Creativity, education, entrepreneurship, Events, knowledge, Libraries, Makers, Makerspaces, Roboticon, Society, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
2015 was an amazing year for us here at Eureka! Factory, a year of self-realization and creative exploration, the year we learned we could make a living doing what we love, together, in the service of the common good. From the 2014 ashes of disappointment following...
by Terri Willingham | Dec 17, 2015 | community, Libraries, Makers, Makerspaces, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
The Land O’Lakes Branch Library threw an appropriately grand party December 17, celebrating the Grand Opening of the Foundry, Pasco County’s first library makerspace. The event was well attended by Pasco County government leaders, Economic Development...
by Terri Willingham | Jul 3, 2015 | activism, civic engagement, Civil Rights, community, compassion, education, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
We gotta keep on keeping on Because if we don’t do it nobody else is gonna But you know if we can’t do it with a smile on our face You know if we can’t do it with love in our hearts then children we ain’t got no right to do it at all Because it...