by Terri Willingham | Jun 9, 2014 | knowledge, Life, Makerspaces, science, Society, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
Children are born scientists. They are always turning over rocks and plucking petals off flowers. They are always doing stuff that, by and large, is destructive. That’s what exploration really is when you think about it. An adult scientist is a kid who never grew up....
by Terri Willingham | Jun 2, 2014 | knowledge, Life, paradigm shifts, Society, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
“Today, we want success in seventeen levels, or seventeen minutes, seventeen seconds — and when the promise of something new and better is just a click away, who wants to wait seventeen years? But that’s the thing that connects all of these great people — they played...
by Terri Willingham | May 1, 2014 | knowledge, Life, Makers, paradigm shifts, Philosophy, Society, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
“The Maker Effect is the sum of the personal growth, professional success, community development, and continuous innovation that results when makers learn, educate, share, and create together. ” The Maker Effect The Maker Effect Foundation,a Florida...
by Terri Willingham | Apr 27, 2014 | knowledge, Life, paradigm shifts, Philosophy, Society, teaching life lessons, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
“Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before.” Neil Gaiman Brain Pickings, one of our favorite sites for inspiring thought and introspection, shared a look at philosopher Daniel Dennett, on the recent anniversary of his...
by Terri Willingham | Apr 24, 2014 | compassion, knowledge, Life, science, Uncategorized
We are in St. Louis this week, immersed in the wildly costumed, metal mashing, techno rock drenched thrumming of the FIRST Championship, where over 12,000 youth from around the world have convened to compete in what is essentially the World Cup of geekiness –...
by Terri Willingham | Mar 26, 2014 | knowledge, paradigm shifts, Philosophy, science, Society, Steven Willingham, Theresa Williingham, Uncategorized
As with all great journeys, there are more questions now than answers, not the least of which is, where shall we go from here? As that remains to be answered, all we can do now is keep living life to its fullest. – Andrea Willingham, our daughter Life is a work...