EK at MFO We had a terrific time showcasing our projects and programs at Maker Faire Orlando September 13 & 14, and making new maker friends!. It’s always wonderful to see the amazing things people are making and doing, in their garages, in makerspaces, in libraries, in backyards and schools.

We had fun helping with the Cardboard City, too, Orlando Science Center’s cardboard robotcelebration of the annual Global Cardboard Challenge. We’ll be hosting our own robot-themed Cardboard Challenge event at Roboticon Tampa Bay, and were delighted to see at least one very cool cardboard robot at OSC!

We really enjoyed the 4th floor exhibits, especially the Steampunk arts, and a very clever homemade lino press by Reclaimed Whimsy Linocuts . We had a lot of fun watching the goings on at the 3D Photo Booth, because nothing says 21st century like a 3D Photo Booth. And also because we’re going to be tinkering with one soon (stay tuned).

It was also great to see the healthy complement of other Gulf Coast Makers in Orlando, including the Tampa Bay Inventors Council, FreeFab 3D, Tampa Hackerspace , Johnson Arms and Chuck Stephens with his Nepchune’s Noise Circus. Way to go, Gulf Coast!

And thanks, Maker Faire Orlando, for the wonderful Maker Memories!

Maker Faire Orlando pics

Click on the image to enjoy a slideshow of Maker Faire Orlando 2014