Making for Fun & Knowledge: A Look at the Scan-o-Tron!

Making for Fun & Knowledge: A Look at the Scan-o-Tron!

“Creating means living.” ― Dejan Stojanovic, The Shape We've always loved making things, from the workbenches and furniture we made for our first home three decades ago (including the desk I still write from today!), to literature and art, to building projects like...

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St. Pete MakerFest: Growing our Community of Makers

The Eureka Factory will be at the 1st annual St. Pete MakerFest Saturday, December 20th, joining our growing community of makers in a celebration of all things creative and self-made. We love supporting our creative community, especially at the grassroots level, where...

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Making a Better Holiday: Buy Less, Live More

"...the more I buy the more I'm bought. And the more I'm bought the less I cost." - Joe Pug – Hymn #101 The holidays are upon us with a vengeance here in the U.S., commercialism steamrolling across our media saturated landscape with all the subtlety of, well, a...

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The Hive and the Future of Libraries: An Editorial Response

Back in October, the Tampa Bay Times ran a story on the results of a consultant's summary report of an evaluation of the John F. Germany Library in downtown Tampa. The John F. Germany Library is the main branch of the Tampa Hillsborough County Library System, and home...

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Collaboration Celebration

The Eureka Factory is a collaborative of creative individuals and business partners who believe in the power of community driven innovation to help people move from passive consumption to empowered and active creation of their future and ours. - Our Welcome Page In...

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Deconstructing the Future at The Hive makerspace, Nov. 15th

On Saturday, November 15th, the Eureka Factory joins in the at The Hive Centennial Celebration Open House at John F. Germany Library, at 900 Ashley Drive in Tampa. Designed by Steve and Terri Willingham, of the Eureka Factory, and located on the 3rd floor of the John...

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Eureka! It's time for The Deconstruction 2014

So back in early 2013, when we were tootling around on behalf of Learning is for Everyone (LI4E), we participated in the first ever Deconstruction event. We were fresh off our first go-round on Red Bull Creation 2012, where we made it into the semifinals. We...

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ROBOTICON Tampa Bay – October 11 & 12

We're so excited to be producing the ROBOTICON Tampa Bay FIRST Showcase again this year. The event, coming up this weekend, October 11 & 12, is free and open to the public and provides a great opportunity to see this great "Sport for the Mind" in action. Our first...

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The Eureka! Factory, a trademark of Willingham Associates LLC, is a collaborative of creative individuals and business partners who believe in the power of community driven innovation to help people move from passive consumption to empowered and active creation of their future and ours.