IMG_0351-c We had a great time meeting with a terrific group of forward thinking Tampa Bay Library Consortium members today, at the Bruton Memorial Library in Plant City, who came out for our Creative Programming for the 21st Century Library workshop. About 20 librarians, representing a dozen libraries from seven counties, turned out to learn more about the Maker movement and how to leverage both their neighborhoodIMG_0346-c and their library community for greater collaborative, creative programming and engagement.

With some hands on help help from maker and artist, Chuck Stephens, and FIRST Americorps VISTA Volunteer, Joel Croteau, workshop attendees also got to drive a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) robot from the Land O’ Lakes IMG_0359-cLibrary (the Edgar Allan Ohms!) and to build their own sound circuits and make a little noise in the library.

The librarians’ enthusiasm and energy was fun and we’re excited about the great work Tampa Bay Library Consortium members are doing to keep our libraries strong and relevant, and to keep empowering patrons with new knowledge and skills.

If you’re looking for the future of libraries, it’s right in your own neighborhood and as close as your library card!